Jean Reidy


Regular price €15,00

Publisher: Lapis

Truman is small and sweet as a donut, thoughtful and calm like his Sara. You wouldn't consider him brave, but he would go anywhere with her.

One day something new happens: Sara takes a really large backpack, puts a blue bow in her hair and takes the noisiest bus, the one to think new thoughts.

Truman then decides to gather all his courage and undertake a rescue mission, provided he can overcome the terrible challenges that lie before him: the taller terrarium, the wider carpet, the scarier toys.

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One leads to another

Ottimo Massimo è il cane bassotto di Cosimo Piovasco, il barone rampante di Italo Calvino, che dà il nome alla nostra libreria.

Il disegno di Ottimomassimo, che ci accompagna alla scoperta del sito, è stato un regalo di Vladimir Radunsky.

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