When you finish reading this book you will know absolutely nothing about worms. Or rather, you will know a lot about the tails of earthworms and their haircuts, how to distinguish a mountain worm from a jungle worm and what happens when an earthworm is split in half by lightning... one half will remember the 'other?
But it will seem like you still don't know anything. This is because worms are much more interesting and mysterious beings than you think, and once you start talking about them you can't stop. This is why right now I'm listening to a podcast about worms created by the writer of this book ( https://sullavitasfortunatadeivermi.it/12/ ); and as soon as it's finished, who knows, maybe I'll watch a documentary, maybe I'll go out into the garden and start digging to find one and ask him: "But when you're lying in the rain, what do you think about?"